Code 7 have been a pleasure to work with from beginning to end. The process was smooth and they met every deadline. They are highly organised, detailed and creative. We are really impressed with our new site.
Sarah-Jane Gay, Project Manager
Icon of a computer screen with content​

Web design

Icon of a computer screen with code on it​

Web development

​The Craft CMS logo ​

CMS integration

UX icon in a circle


Two speech bubbles​


The brief

National Numeracy identified the following problems:

  • low numeracy levels across the UK
  • lack of parental engagement
  • lack of resources and education for parents and teachers


Due to the wide national audience, a lot of user testing was conducted to ensure the website worked as intended. It needed to be easily understood and navigated. Thought was put into the correct imagery and design to best promote the useful services.

Screenshots of the Family Maths Toolkit website on computer screen and mobile devices

Easy to manage resources page

The resources page is very important to the site, and is easily accessed for both users and the team at National Numeracy.

Screenshots of the Family Maths Toolkit resources pages on computer screen and mobile

How the National Curriculum works

This includes informative, shareable content presented in a simple way. Great for parents or teachers viewing the site.